How to get here

How to get to Vaison Ventoux Provence, whether to your vacation destination in Vaison-la-Romaine or one of our 18 surrounding villages: Brantes, Buisson, Cairanne, Crestet, Entrechaux, Faucon, Mollans-sur-Ouvèze, Puyméras, Rasteau, Roaix, Sablet, Savoillans, Séguret, Saint-Léger-du-Ventoux, Saint-Marcellin-lès-Vaison, Saint-Romain-en-Viennois, Saint-Roman-de-Malegarde or Villedieu. By car, train, plane or bus, find out how to get to our beautiful region!


By car

You've been here since...

By train

By bus

Take advantage of the local public transport network offered by the South Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region and the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region to facilitate your stay in Vaison Ventoux Provence.

No fewer than 6 regular bus routes enable you to get to Vaison Ventoux Provence, to leave at the end of your vacation, and to get around during your stay:

For further information, please contact our partner Cars Lieutaud, which operates several of these regular bus routes.

NEW: you can now enjoy two direct daily return trips to and from Avignon (Avignon TGV station and Avignon Centre station) with route 985!

Information and booking on or by phone every day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (price of a local call).

By plane

Nearest airports

By bike

The nearest major routes

Bicycle service providers 

Cycling is both a great way to get to Vaison Ventoux Provence and a great way to get around during your stay. Below you’ll find a list of bicycle service providers who can offer you rentals (by the day or over several days… some even deliver your bike directly to your holiday destination), repairs and other services. They’ll enable you to explore all our cycling itineraries for a successful soft mobility vacation!

On foot

Our destination is an ideal place for hiking in all seasons, and more and more travelers are deciding to take a tour of the region, in particular by following one of the two Grande Randonnée trails that cross Vaison Ventoux Provence:


Are you traveling on foot along the Grande Randonnée trails and would like to stop off in Vaison Ventoux Provence? Take a look at our list of “Compagnon de Route” partners to help you make the most of your stay!

Prepare your stay En Vaison Ventoux Provence