Le Gros Souper
Le gros souper is the meal served on the evening of December 24th… The table is set with three white tablecloths (sometimes embroidered with the initials of the lady of the house) and three candlesticks. The number three recalls the Holy Trinity. The table is decorated with three saucers of wheat for Saint Barbara’s Day, small branches of pine, holly or a few small bundles of vine shoots.
This copious meal is divided into 7 courses, ending with the log and 13 desserts, and is accompanied by the exceptional wines of the region, including the famous Vin Doux Naturel Rasteau and Ventoux quince wine…
As tradition dictates, the meal is meatless and plentiful, a sign of wealth and prosperity. The meal is centered on such essential dishes as gratin de carde, spinach tian with cod, goat’s cheese, cacha…