This trail crosses an ancient traffic route along the Ouvèze. From Entrechaux, the route climbs to the heights, with a lovely view of the village and its perched castle: it then plunges through the woods towards the course of the Toulourenc, a tributary of the Ouvèze, as it approaches the river’s last gorges, from which the astonishing chapel of Notre-Dame-des-Anges, clinging to the rock, emerges at the last moment.
The route then meanders along small roads and then a beautiful track that takes you back to Mollans-sur-Ouvèze, where you can admire it from an unexpected angle: the gap in the mountains that gives access to the Baronnies and Italy.
You’ll discover the history of Mollans-sur-Ouvèze and this ancient road, with its many chapels: they were all havens of peace, especially as they were located on either side of a rather porous border between Comtat Venaissin and Dauphiné, and along the roads to Italy.
After the wars of religion in the 16th century, which caused considerable damage to religious buildings, peace returned in the 17th century, but the Comtat remained a Catholic land, while Protestantism progressed in Dauphiné, where it found refuge. Occasionally, the border closed, as it did during the great return of the plague. Between Mollans-sur-Ouvèze and Entrechaux, soldiers set up on the river to prevent passage.