After leaving your car in the town hall parking lot, set off on foot to explore the recently repaved streets. As you walk along the ramparts that encircle the village, you can make out the remains of theold fortifications, even if the surrounding gates no longer exist today.
The church, rebuilt in the 19th century, stands proudly adjacent to the castle, with a visible corner tower and fire hydrant. The facade of the church is enlivened by its two bell towers, one crowned with a campanile, the other with a pointed roof.
On the way back down, take the path alongside the wash-house and climb up to the Notre-Dame-de-l’Annonciation chapel facing the village. Built on a saffron eminence, the view of the village from its forecourt is breathtaking, letting you breathe in the pure air of the surrounding countryside.

Did you know?
In 1573, “500 men-at-arms and 300 cavalry” from Nyons attacked Saint-Romain. To defend themselves, the inhabitants threw beehives at the attackers.